Reclaim the Night march to pass through Glasgow Green

Hundreds of women are expected to march through Glasgow tonight demanding justice for survivors of rape and sexual assault, as part of the city’s Reclaim the Night demonstration.

Published 24th Nov 2016

Hundreds of women are expected to march through Glasgow tonight demanding justice for survivors of rape and sexual assault, as part of the city’s Reclaim the Night demonstration.

The demonstration, one of a series of Reclaim the Night demonstrations across the UK, is demanding justice for survivors of sexual violence and an end to gender-based violence. This year’s march, coinciding with the UN Day to End Violence Against Women, has been organised by students’ associations in Glasgow in collaboration with the NUS Scotland women’s and LGBT+ campaigns.

Demonstrators will assemble at Glasgow Green from 6.30pm to march to the University of Strathclyde Students’ Association at 8pm for a rally.

This year’s theme is ‘intersectionality’, and fundraising for Glasgow Rape Crisis Centre will take place throughout the night.

Commenting, Angela Alexander, NUS Scotland Women’s Officer, said: "You don’t have to look far to see stories in the news about women falling victim to gender-based violence, and that’s before you consider the number of incidents that go unreported, for a variety of reasons. That’s why Reclaim the Night is so important, and that’s why I’d encourage as many women and non-binary gender people as possible to join us. We won’t just be marching for our rights, but also for all those who can’t be with us because they’ve been silenced and shamed by the very crimes we’re marching against.

"We’ll be marching in Glasgow to demand justice for all survivors of rape and sexual assault, and demand the right to walk through our streets at night without walking in fear. We need to see politicians taking these issues seriously, ensuring an end the status quo where a fraction of sexual assault cases even make it to court, and providing our vital services with sufficient funding so that the women who do fall victim to these crime have the support they desperately need.

"I’d encourage any women and non-binary gender people who want to make our streets safer and get justice for survivors of rape and sexual assault to join us on Friday, and make sure that our voice is heard loud and clear."