Rapist Given Lifelong Restriction Order

A convicted rapist who carried out a terrifying sex attack on a girl in Dunbartonshire, having been deported from Australia, has been handed a life sentence.

Published 3rd Feb 2015

A convicted rapist who carried out a terrifying sex attack on a girl having been deported from Australia has been handed a life sentence. Keith Pollock pounced on the 16 year-old stranger as she made her way home in the early hours in January last year. He battered the teenager before trying to force her into a darkened park in Milton of Campsie, East Dunbartonshire. But, Pollock fled when a delivery driver heard the petrified victim's screams. The 51 year-old was later traced, however, after the girl picked out his unusually deep voice. Pollock was back in the dock having previously pled guilty to assaulting the girl with intent to rape. Judge Lord Burns imposed an Order for Lifelong Restriction on Pollock at the High Court in Glasgow. The sex attacker was also ordered to serve a minimum two years behinds bars. The court earlier heard how Pollock was jailed for seven years in 1991 in Australia for rape, public indecency and burglary. He was deported after being freed from the sentence and was latterly living with his partner and young child. His victim in this latest case had just left her boyfriend's home in Milton of Campsie as a hooded Pollock lurked nearby. The teenager called her boyfriend and told him she believed she was being followed. Prosecutor Ian Wallace told the court: "Her boyfriend heard nothing for a few seconds and then he heard his girlfriend screaming. At that point the phone cut out." Mr Wallace explained how Pollock grabbed the petrified girl, put his hand over her mouth and tried to drag her backwards. He then repeatedly punched his victim on the face before attempting to push her over a wall into a park. The advocate depute told how the victim "screamed throughout the attack" and believed she was going to be raped. Pollock slapped the girl in a bid to silence her - but meantime a delivery driver heard her crying for help. The man confronted Pollock, who told him "I'll *** kill you" and then ran off. The hysterical girl was found before police began the hunt to find Pollock. The court heard that on March 1 the victim took part in a voice identification parade. She had recalled her attacker having "a really deep voice" - which lead to her picking out Pollock. His DNA was also found on the girl's top leading to his arrest. The court was told the teenager - who was injured following the assault - is now "paranoid" about going out alone and afraid of people walking behind her.