Rape victims claim they're being let down by the Scottish justice system

That's the finding of a new survey.

The study aims to see how people who's made requests under Clare's Law rated the service provided
Published 22nd Aug 2019
Last updated 22nd Aug 2019

It’s claimed victims of rape and sexual assault in Scotland don’t feel like justice has been served even if the person accused goes to jail.

Researchers from the Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research (SCCJR) interviewed 17 people who reported allegations of rape or serious sexual assault, and found none of them felt justice had been achieved.

The victims argued the time taken by the system, administrative errors and poor communication from the police and courts led to a negative feeling about how their cases were handled.

Although some participants praised the Scottish advocacy services, the report found there is a “considerable gap'' among those who report sexual violence between their expectation of the criminal justice system and their experience of it.

One woman interviewed in the study described the process as “three years of re-traumatisation'', while another said she “didn't know how to live for 18 months''.

University of Glasgow academic Dr Oona Brooks-Hay, who co-authored the report with colleagues Prof Michele Burman and Dr Lisa Bradley, said she hoped the findings will make the criminal justice system address concerns raised around how complainants are informed, supported and represented.

Dr Brooks-Hay said: “There is a pressing need to look at how the criminal justice process can be reformed to meet the needs of victim-survivors who have had the courage to engage with the system.

“While our research reveals that some relatively minor practical changes could go a long way to improving experiences, more radical change - such as the introduction of independent legal representation in serious sexual offence cases - must be given serious consideration.

“Sexual offences have profound and distinctive impacts, and therefore merit distinctive responses.''

Recommendations made by the Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research include specialised sexual assault training for all police officers, earlier support from specialist agencies, and better protection at court to avoid meeting the accused and their family.

There are also calls for a review into the way alleged victims are questioned and cross-examined in court, which was found to be “a significant source of distress''.

Responding to the study, Justice Secretary Humza Yousaf said: “Further improving the experiences of rape and sexual assault survivors is high on the Victims Taskforce agenda and as co-chair of the group, I welcomed a preview of this research at our last meeting.

“These frank, first-hand accounts made a valuable contribution to our discussions and I thank all the survivors for their courage in coming forward to tell their story and participate in this project.

“We will carefully consider the findings and work with justice partners, victims organisations and researchers, such as SCCJR, to make a lasting difference.

“It is important that improvements made to the justice system are informed by a sound evidence base and that we prioritise actions which will make the most difference to survivors.''

“While we are certainly not there yet, progress is being made on enhancing the rights and support available to victims,'' Mr Yousaf added, citing the £1 million in Scottish Government funding towards facilities in Glasgow for vulnerable witnesses to give evidence."