Rangers fans must wait to read latest ruling on club's fight with Mike Ashley

Published 6th Jun 2019
Last updated 6th Jun 2019

Rangers fans must wait to read a judge's ruling on the latest round of the club's long-running High Court fight over merchandise sales with Sports Direct owner Mike Ashley.

A company in the Sports Direct Group, SDI Retail Services, says Rangers are in breach of obligations under a deal relating to replica kit.

Bosses at Rangers dispute claims made against them.

Judge Lionel Persey finished overseeing the latest in a series of hearings at the High Court in London earlier this year.

The judge, who had analysed a number of legal issues, was listed to hand down a ruling at a hearing in London on Thursday.

He said he had reached a decision - but he has not yet made his ruling publicly available.

Rangers lost a round of the fight in October.

Another judge ruled Rangers had breached the terms of an agreement made with SDI.

Mr Justice Teare concluded bosses at Rangers had made a new agreement with another firm without giving SDI a chance to match that firm's offer.

SDI subsequently made further complaints.