Queen Elizabeth Hospital worker convicted of sexual assault

Bubacarr Touray attacked a woman in a lift in 2016

Published 12th Apr 2018
Last updated 12th Apr 2018

A man has been convicted after a nurse was sexually assaulted in a hospital lift by a member of staff, who groped her and tried to kiss her.

The woman - who cannot be identified for legal reasons - said she was “really startled” when Bubacarr Touray stood facing her after he got in the lift.

She claimed he said, “You’re a beautiful woman, you’re my type of woman”, before trying to kiss her.

The terrified nurse was pushed into the corner by Touray who then felt her chest over her clothes.

Touray denied the sex attack at his trial Glasgow Sheriff Court, and claimed he only put his arms around her and hugged her.

But sheriff Diana McConnell rejected this and convicted Touray, 43, from Scotstoun, of the indecent assault at the Queen Elizabeth hospital on November 16, 2016.

He was also accused of behaving in a threatening or abusive manner by trying to speak to her, following her in to the lift and travelling to the same floor as her for no reason and making inappropriate remarks but was acquitted of this charge.

The woman said that during her break at work she went to her car and on the way back up to her ward saw Touray at the lifts - who she recognised as a hospital porter or member of domestic staff.

She said by the time she walked into the lift and turned round, he was facing her.

She recalled: “As soon as he came in it was startling. He just stood there, the doors closed and the first thing he said to me ‘you’re a beautiful woman, you’re my type of woman’, he said it twice.”

The nurse described him as having “glazed eyes” and said he was staring.

She said: “Next minute he came right over, went to put his face or mouth down as if he was going to kiss me and I turned my face to the right then pushed him back.”

She went on to say: “That’s when he grabbed with both shoulders and pushed me back, I went back some steps, I was in the corner.”

She described how Touray touched her left breast.

She immediately shouted “What the f*** are you doing?” and asked him if he was married and children and he told her he did.

She said she shouted again “What the f*** are you doing?” and pushed him back.

By this time she was near her floor and seconds later the lift doors opened and she swiftly got out.

Procurator fiscal depute Angus Crawford asked: “How did you feel?”

She replied: “I was absolutely petrified, I was in a box, I couldn’t get out and there was no way I could even press anything.”

Sheriff McConnell deferred sentence on Touray and called for background reports