Port Glasgow man sentenced to 18 years for murder

34 year-old Allan Docherty sobbed in the dock as he was sentenced to serve at least 18 years behind bars for the murder of Karen Young.

Published 29th May 2019

A Port Glasgow man who murdered a vulnerable 47-year-old woman by strangling her has been jailed for life.

34 year-old Allan Docherty sobbed in the dock as he was sentenced to serve at least 18 years behind bars for the murder of Karen Young.

His co-accused 44 year-old Weir McKay was jailed for 14 years for the culpable homicide of Karen.

She was killed on June 9, 2017, at Docherty's flat.

Both men continue to deny killing her. Docherty claimed during the trial that he had been trying to save Karen's life.

Defence QC Brian McConnachie, representing McKay, said: “He has shown genuine remorse. He did not seek help by telephoning an ambulance. The jury must have convicted him of culpable homicide on an art and part basis as there was no evidence he hit Miss Young.”

McKay, who after the killing used Karen's bank card to try to buy a Chinese takeaway, shouted out from the dock as he was sentenced: 'I got 14 years for not phoning an ambulance.”

Judge Lady Stacey told Docherty: “By your actions a family has been left bereaved. You took hold of Karen Young's neck and put your hand in her mouth. You thought she had taken a packet of controlled drugs which you wanted back.

“You saw you have to live with this, but you do not accept you carried out a murder. You went to trial saying you tried to help her.”

The judge told McKay: “You were involved in blunt force injuries to this woman and that contributed to her death. The jury found you responsible in a legal sense for her death.

Karen , who had a number of personal issues, was strangled and hit on the head with a metal pole and hammer. after being accused of stealing drugs from the flat.

The main cause of death was neck injuries and her larynx was fractured.

Jurors heard there had been a "delay" in dialling 999 by Docherty.

Prosecutor Lisa Gillespie told the trial: "That was the actions of a man with something to hide."

She said McKay had steered a housing officer away from the flat as Karen lay dying.

Miss Gillespie: "He was trying to conceal what was happening to Karen Young. He said his explanation for sending the housing officer away was panic."

It was claimed McKay went on to rummage through and steal Karen's bag. He was then said to have tried to use her bank card at local shops.

Miss Gillespie: "So panicked was he that he thought he had better cheer himself up with a Chinese takeaway."