Police re-appeal for info over 2010 Shotts murder

Published 22nd Nov 2017

Police Scotland’s Major Investigation Team are today issuing CCTV and details of a vehicle they wish to trace in connection with the murder of Anthony Wright in Shotts, Lanarkshire on Wednesday 9th June 2010, who was shot on the roadway outside his house, having only just left to attend his work.

As with all unresolved murder cases, the investigation has been subject to regular review by Police Scotland’s Specialist Crime Division. A dedicated team of detectives from the MIT have been working on the reinvestigation into the murder and have been carrying out significant enquiries.

Today, they are issuing CCTV of a vehicle, a green Vauxhall Vectra, which they believe to have been involved in the incident in addition to CCTV of a man police are anxious to speak to about the shooting.

Detective Chief Inspector Raymond Brown, who is the senior investigating officer, said: 'It has now been over 7 years since Anthony’s family were robbed of a loving father, partner and brother in the cruellest of circumstances and today Police Scotland remain determined as ever to bring those responsible to justice.

'I understand that there are concerns that those responsible have not yet been identified, however, the case has never closed. It has been subject to ongoing review and now the enquiry is being led by myself as part of the Major Investigation Teams.

'There is no doubt that the murder was alarming for the residents of the small village of Shotts, however, this was a targeted attack and Anthony Wright was the intended victim. Regardless of this, no one should be on our streets discharging illegal firearms.

'I know it will be difficult for people living in the area to cast their minds back seven years, however, I am sure that the CCTV images of the vehicle and in particular the distinctive front grill and alloy wheels will help to jog memories. We are also re-issuing footage of a man we are keen to speak to as we believe he may be able to assist with our enquiries. We need to speak to those who recognise the vehicle and this man.

'We believe that this vehicle and the occupants were seen in the area, on both Tuesday 8th June 2010 and again on Wednesday 9th June 2010, the day of the murder. I would ask anyone who may have seen this vehicle on either day contact police immediately.

'I understand that people may have previously been reluctant to approach police with information at the time of the murder, however personal circumstances and loyalties may have since changed, and they may now be willing to share any information they have with us.

'Additionally there may be people who hold information that they consider as minimal or potentially insignificant, however such information could be crucial to the investigation and I would urge them to provide such information and enable us to consider it in context with the other information gathered during the investigation.

'It is imperative that we identify who was responsible for the murder of Anthony Wright and I am confident that there are people who have information that can help us achieve that.”

Information can be passed to the incident room on 01506 445 346. A dedicated mobile number has also been set up which is 07917 551 758.

People can also email information to the dedicated email address which is OperationLochcote@scotland.pnn.police

Information can also be provided anonymously via Crimestoppers.