Police probe Cardowan disturbance

After vans were set on fire locals tell Clyde News it was like a "war zone"

Published 6th Jun 2016

Three men have been taken to hospital following a "targeted attack'' which left vans ablaze on the streets of a Glasgow suburb.

Witnesses described how the Frankfield Road, Cardowan, became a "war zone'' after an altercation erupted between groups of males.

One boy was seen "covered in blood'' while two vans were burnt out on the residential road following the "brazen'' disorder on Sunday afternoon.

Police Scotland said a Ford Transit van, stolen the previous day from Ruchazie, was deliberately driven at three men sitting in another Ford Transit van on Frankfield Rd, Cardowan.

The three men in the parked van, aged 47, 45 and 28 years, managed to get out of the vehicle but were chased and then attacked with bladed weapons in the street by three men from the second van. Both vans were also deliberately set alight.

Emergency vehicles and a police helicopter were scrambled to the scene, with one passer-by posting a picture of the gridlock to social media, adding it was "like a war zone''.

Detective Inspector David Reilly, Coatbridge CID, is leading the investigation. He said:

“This was very much a targeted attack – the suspects in the stolen van knew exactly who they were going for.

“For this to happen at all, never mind in the middle of a Sunday afternoon, is just outrageous. Yes, the suspects may have known who they were targeting but there could easily have been other people, including children, in the area – especially with the weather being so nice.

“No one other than the three intended targets were injured. They were all taken by ambulance to the Glasgow Royal Infirmary where the 47 and 28 year old man were treated and have since been released. The 45 year old man remains in hospital where staff describe his condition as stable.

“Our enquiries are continuing in the area to identify those responsible for the attack. We believe that they made off from the area into two waiting cars – a black 4x4 and a white saloon car.

“They are described as all being white and:

  1. 6 ft tall, black hooded top with the hood up
  1. blond hair, dark coloured trousers, dark hooded top.
  1. 5ft 4, slim, wearing all dark clothing; a hooded top and dark coloured baseball cap

“Considering this is a residential area, it’s understandable that locals found the incident alarming. We have additional officers patrolling the area and I would ask that anyone who has any concerns or who saw the attack speak to them.

“So far the response from local people has been good but I am still appealing to anyone with information about the attack, the stolen vehicle or any information that will help us catch these men to contact police.

“If for whatever reason you are reluctant to speak to police, then please contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 where details can be given in confidence.

“We have an Incident Room set up in Coatbridge Office where information can be passed via 101.”

Local resident Frank Kerr, 59, a slinger banksman, also saw the aftermath and said: "I saw a boy sitting in a paramedic's van. He was covered in blood, but I didn't see what happened to him.

"It's very rare for this neck of the woods.

"There was a fire at the end of the street, and I heard tyres blowing up. There were police, fire brigade, ambulances, tow trucks, you name it, everything was here.''

He said he couldn't confirm speculation on social media that people had been stabbed or shot during the incident. "I didn't hear any gunshots, just tyres blowing up with the heat,'' he added.

An eyewitness, who did not wish to be named, said he saw two vans on fire with flames "as high as a house''. He said: "I was washing my car and I saw high flames and smoke, then the fire brigade came.''

Police sought to reassure residents in the area, saying a "significant'' police presence was still in place and that they were conducting door-to-door inquiries.

A Scottish Fire and Rescue Service spokeswoman said: "We got called out to a van on fire. The incident has been handed over to the police.''

Anyone with information is asked to contact police via the 101 number or information can be passed via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 where anonymity can be maintained.