Police officer accused of attacking wife at New Year

Mark Petrie allegedly attacked his partner at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Glasgow

Published 7th Jan 2016

A police officer is to stand trial accused of assaulting his wife at a luxury hotel in Glasgow at New Year.

Mark Petrie, 42, allegedly grabbed his partner Lesley and bit her on the body at the Crowne Plaza Hotel on Congress Road, Glasgow on January 1.

It is claimed he grabbed her by the hair and pulled it, and hit her on the face with his hand to her injury.

He faces a string of charges including that he behaved in a threatening or abusive manner towards Mrs Petrie at the hotel on December 31 and January 1 and shouted "offensive remarks".

Petrie, from Mansewood, Glasgow faces two further charges of behaving in a threatening or abusive manner.

And, an allegation of resisting, obstructing and hindering police officers on Congress Road, by refusing to provide his details, struggling with them and refusing to get in the police car.

He also faces an assault charge for allegedly punching Ian Gill an employee of the Crowne Plaza Hotel.

Petrie appeared at Glasgow Sheriff Court where he pled not guilty through his lawyer Iain Cahill.

He is to return later this year for trial.

Police Scotland confirmed Petrie is a serving police officer although it is not known what rank he is.