Police Launch Murder Investigation After Glasgow Man Found Dead

Police have launched a murder inquiry into the death of a man in the Saltmarket area of Glasgow.

56-year-old Allan Montgomery was found dead at his home in Parnie Street on Tuesday morning. Following a post mortem examination the death is now being treated as murder.

Detective Chief Inspector Allan Burton of Police Scotland’s Major Investigation Team (West) said:

“We are currently trying to establish Mr Montgomery’s movements since last Friday evening, July 31st. The information passed to officers so far suggests that he may have been the victim of an assault outside his flat in Parnie Street, over the weekend.

“Officers are currently studying CCTV footage in the area of Parnie Street to gather more information that may assist this investigation and confirm if an assault has taken place.

“At this point in the inquiry, it is vital that we speak to any friends or neighbours who saw Mr Montgomery since Friday evening, and I would urge anyone who hasn’t yet spoken to police to come forward.

“Parnie Street is a busy area within Glasgow City centre and I would also ask anyone who was staying at or visiting 22 Parnie St at the weekend to contact the police.”

Anyone with information should contact Police Scotland on 101. Alternatively information can be passed anonymously to CRIMESTOPPERS on 0800 555 111.