Police Inquiry After Paisley ATM Thefts

Published 16th Dec 2014

Police are searching for a man who stole money from two women as they withdrew it from ATM machines.

In the first incident, a 73-year-old woman was using a bank machine near the Cenotaph in Paisley town centre at about 4pm on Saturday when a man came up behind her and grabbed the money from the machine.

The next day in nearby Renfrew, a 56-year-old woman was subjected to an identical theft outside Tesco in Newmains Road.

Officers believe the same man is responsible for both incidents.

He is white, around 6ft with a medium build and dark-coloured hair. He was wearing a dark-coloured jacket and trousers with black trainers that had a white sole.

Detective Constable James Craig said: The two locations where the thefts took place are extremely busy and I am sure that there are people that saw this man approaching both victims.

Also, if anyone was in these areas around the times of the incidents and witnessed anything suspicious, then please come forward.

I would also ask people be extra vigilant when using cash machines and to be aware of who is standing behind you.''