Police hunt teenagers after 'brutal unprovoked' attack on a 14-year-old boy

The incident happened in Milngavie around 4.45pm on Saturday afternoon.

Published 27th May 2018
Last updated 27th May 2018

A teenager has suffered serious injuries during a brutal and unprovoked attack in Milngavie.

The 14-year-old was walking with friends in the lane between McDonalds and Sports Direct, near to Milngavie Road, when he was approached by a group of youths.

The group began attacking the boy, who fell to the ground and was repeatedly punched and kicked in the head and body, until he managed to get to his feet and run in the direction of the Premier Inn where a member of the public came to his assistance.

A passer-by took the victim to Milngavie Police Station where an ambulance was summoned.

He was taken to the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital for treatment to a broken jaw, broken collarbone, broken rib and broken finger as well as a number of cuts and bruises. He was later released from hospital.

The suspects are described as white males aged 14-16 years, one wearing a white t-shirt and dark shorts, one in a grey jumper and shorts and one dressed all in white.

It is possible some of the group may have been playing football nearby prior to the incident.

Detective Sergeant Colin MacRitchie said: ''This appears to have been a brutal and unprovoked attack and enquiries are ongoing to trace the individuals involved.

This incident happened in broad daylight near to a busy main road through Milngavie and I would appeal to anyone who was in the area at the time and may have witnessed a disturbance, or a group of male youths acting suspiciously, to please get in touch.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Greater Glasgow CID via 101, quoting incident number 3188 of Saturday 25 May 2018. Alternatively you can call CRIMESTOPPERS on 0800 555 111 where details can be given in confidence.''