Police hunt gunman after firearm discharged at a house in Glasgow

Shots were fired at a property in Millroad Drive, Calton

Published 24th Apr 2018

Detectives are continuing enquiries following a shooting incident in in Glasgow on Monday night. Around 10:20pm, police received a report of a firearm being discharged at a house in Millroad Drive, Calton when a white car, possibly a Volkswagen, pulled up outside the house and an occupant of the car shot at one of the windows. No-one was injured in the incident, however family members have been left badly shaken by the incident.

Officers have been carrying out door-to-door enquiries and have CCTV footage which is under review. There is currently no description on the occupants of the car and it’s unknown how many people were in the vehicle.

Enquiries carried out so far have revealed the shooting was not random and was targeted.

Detective Inspector Greig Wilkie said: “The household appears to have been targeted in this attack, however we don’t know why and we are working to establish exactly what happened and the motive behind it. No-one has been injured and it’s imperative we trace the occupants of the white car. We understand the car was in Millroad Drive prior to the shooting taking place and I am appealing to the local community to think back and consider if they saw the car or noticed anything about the occupants. Any piece of information could prove crucial in helping us locate whoever is responsible for this crime.”

He added: “We’re aware that this incident will be of some concern to local residents and I would like to reassure them that additional police officers will be in the area. Anyone with concerns can approach these officers.”

Anyone with information is asked to call CID officers at Shettleston Police.