Police hunt teen after Coronavirus cough prank

Author: Rob WallerPublished 28th Mar 2020

Police Scotland say they will take "robust action'' against anyone who coughs on people while claiming to have coronavirus to frighten them.

Officers said they are aware of a number of incidents where people have deliberately coughed, or threatened to cough, on elderly or vulnerable people after suggesting they are infected with Covid-19.

The victims included a healthcare worker who was coughed on by a teenager who waved her over as she drove home from work in Aberdeenshire on Friday.

When she stopped the car he moved towards her and coughed directly in her face, telling her that she would now get coronavirus before running off into the woods laughing.

It happened on the road from Inchmarlo Golf Course to Brathens Wood at around 1.40pm.

The suspect is described as aged between 13 and 16-years-old, of slim build, about 5ft 6ins tall and with a local accent.

He was wearing a light grey hoodie, a black jacket and black or dark blue joggers.

Police are treating the incident as assault.

Chief Superintendent David Duncan, of the Safer Communities Division, said: "These are difficult times and we all need to look out for others and do what we can to keep our communities as safe as possible.

"We've become aware of a number of incidents where people have suggested they are infected with coronavirus and deliberately coughed, or threatened to cough, on elderly or vulnerable people.

"This is not a harmless prank - this is extremely upsetting to victims and causes fear and increased anxiety at an already stressful time.

We will not tolerate this kind of behaviour and we will take robust action against anyone threatening other people in this way.''

Local MP Andrew Bowie told Clyde 1: "It think it's utterly reprehensive behaviour. It's completely irresponsible. And not only does it show a complete disregard for the amazing work that carers and heath workers are doing right now it puts other people at risk.

"This individual should the utterly ashamed of themselves and I hope that when police do catch them they deal with them appropriately."

Anyone with information that can assist with inquiries is asked to call Police Scotland on 101, quoting incident 1661 of Friday, March 27, or call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 where anonymity can be maintained.