Police say West Nile Street attack 'planned'

A man who died after inflicting serious injuries on himself in Glasgow city centre had earlier attacked two people, it has emerged.

Published 15th Apr 2017
Last updated 15th Apr 2017

A man who died after inflicting serious injuries on himself in Glasgow city centre had earlier attacked two people, it has emerged.

The 33-year-old man, who has not been named, died in hospital shortly after the incident in West Nile Street at around 4pm on Thursday.

Shortly before, he had attacked a man near Drury Street and assaulted a council community warden who tried to intervene.

Witnesses said they saw a man with two knives at the scene.

Police Scotland said the 33-year-old started to injure himself when officers arrived and that they used Pava spray to disarm him.

He was rushed to Glasgow Royal Infirmary but died soon after.

The two victims were also taken to Glasgow Royal Infirmary where the subject of the initial attack is said to be in a stable condition with arm and shoulder injuries. The warden was treated for an arm injury and later discharged.

The incident was not terror-related but police said the initial attack was targeted and they are appealing for witnesses to contact them.

Detective Superintendent Laura Thomson said: “From our inquiries so far, we know that the initial attack was targeted - it was not random; it was planned and we are not looking for anyone else in connection with it.

“However, although we have had a great response from members of the public who were there at the time, we need people to come forward with any information that may assist the investigation.

“Officers, including specialist forensic teams, are still at the scene carrying out inquiries and checking CCTV.

Additional officers are in the city centre to provide public reassurance.

“If you have any information that will assist officers with their inquiries, then please contact the CID at Stewart Street Police Station via 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 where details can be given in confidence.''

The incident has been referred to the Police Investigations and Review Commissioner (Pirc), as with all deaths in police custody.

The Scottish Police Federation (SPF), which represents rank-and-file officers, said armed officers should have been sent to the scene.

Chair Andrea MacDonald said it was deeply worrying'' that no armed units were dispatched.

In a statement, she said: Had the assailant been intent on harming large numbers of the public, he could have done so with impunity and the police would have been largely powerless to stop him.

Whilst not detracting in any way from the courage of the police officers who attended, the fact no armed officers were dispatched to a man attacking others with knives and an axe should be deeply worrying.

Glasgow is a city with an almost permanent armed police presence but they were not dispatched and they did not attend.

This lays bare the myth that the service adequately risk-assesses incidents prior to deploying resources and that as a service we are capable of protecting the public from spontaneous incidents of extreme violence.''

Last month's SPF annual conference heard calls for all officers to be equipped with Tasers and an increase in the number of armed officers.

Senior police officers rejected those calls, voicing commitment to remaining a primarily unarmed service

Assistant Chief Constable Wayne Mawson said: Police Scotland, along with the rest of the UK, prides itself in being an unarmed service with access to specialist firearms support whenever required.

Yesterday's incident in Glasgow city centre was a dynamic and fast-moving incident.

Local officers responded rapidly and contained and dealt with it quickly.

This was not a random attack. It was planned and targeted, and armed officers were not required to attend on this occasion.''