PM Welcomes Ebola Nurse's Progress

Published 14th Jan 2015

David Cameron has welcomed the news that Scottish nurse Pauline Cafferkey is no longer critically ill with Ebola.

The Prime Minister said he was sure everybody was thinking of her, adding: "It is very good news that she is out of critical care, but there is still a long way to go.''

He was responding during Prime Minister's Questions in the Commons to Conservative Nicola Blackwood (Oxford West and Abingdon), who said: "I'm sure the whole House will want to honour the bravery of NHS Ebola volunteers and welcome the news that nurse Pauline Cafferkey is off the critical list.''

She also raised the work going on in Oxford to develop a vaccine, which the Tory leader called "vitally important''.

He added: "The minister for government policy (Oliver Letwin) is leading the work on this and making sure we do everything to try and cut through some of the bureaucracy that otherwise would be in place so that we can develop a vaccine fast.''