PM Warning On 'Nightmare Scenario'

Published 20th Feb 2015

Britain could be left with the ultimate nightmare scenario'' of Labour and the SNP in power at Westminster after May's general election, David Cameron has warned. The Prime Minister said a partnership between Ed Miliband and Nicola Sturgeon would be aunique unprecedented coalition'' that would bring together the people who would break up our country and the people who would bankrupt our country''. He issued the warning as he addressed the Scottish Conservative conference in Edinburgh. Mr Cameron told the audience there it was only the Tories who could stop this from happening. He said:A vote for anyone other than the Conservatives risks Ed Miliband becoming prime minister, leading to an unstable minority government." A vote for the SNP is a vote for Labour in government.''

Shadow defence secretary Vernon Coaker said: Following this Tory-led Government's substantial delay in approving this contract, it is now crucial that the programme runs on budget and on time.''