Piping Live breaks records to generate 2.5 million for the local economy

Figures for Piping Live! show the summer event generated a "breathtaking'' sum of money.

Piping Live
Published 14th Dec 2017

An international piping festival in Glasgow has broken new records and generated #2.5 million for the local economy, according to a report.

A visitor survey and economic impact report found the event, which ran from August 7-13 this year, celebrated its most successful year to date with audiences of more than 45,000 people - a 9% increase from 2016.

Commissioned by Economic and Social Development (EKOS), the study highlighted the importance of the annual festival and the role it plays in attracting overseas visitors to Glasgow.

Around 75% of attendees travelled from outside the city and 32% arrived from outside Scotland - an increase on last year's figures.

The study showed the average overseas visitor stayed in Glasgow for 5.6 days, bringing an economic benefit to hotels, restaurants and bars.

More than 200 events were held during the festival, which is now in its 14th year, with a line-up including The Peatbog Faeries and Jose Manuel Tejedor.

The festival drew performers from Australia, Estonia, Argentina, Canada, Czech Republic and Italy

Piping Live! and the National Piping Centre both receive support from public bodies including Glasgow Life, Event Scotland and Creative Scotland

Roddy MacLeod, festival organiser said: "We continue to break our own records, bringing in more visitors to Glasgow each year, and showcasing some truly amazing talent.

"Piping Live! is intrinsic to Scotland's cultural calendar and we're delighted to say that this report reflects a worldwide thirst for traditional music that is going from strength to strength.

"The number of overseas visitors are a welcome boost to tourism in Scotland, and Glasgow, bringing vital custom to local businesses, including hotels, bars and restaurants.''

Paul Bush, director of events at VisitScotland, said: "As a key part of EventScotland's annual portfolio of events, I'm delighted Piping Live! continues to go from strength to strength, with 2017 festival bringing a record audience to this fantastic week-long celebration of one our country's most iconic instruments and sounds.

"Scotland is the perfect stage for piping events and festivals and I'd like to congratulate the team at Piping Live! on delivery another outstanding festival in 2017.''

Councillor David McDonald, chairman of Glasgow Life said: "This study highlights the role Piping Live! has, in conjunction with the World Pipe Band Championships, encouraging terrific artists to perform in Glasgow and providing yet another reason for visitors to come here.'