Man jailed for 8 years for Stirlingshire sex attacks

69-year-old Peter Watson raped a woman on her 18th birthday and sexually abused two other young girls

Published 28th Sep 2017

A pensioner who raped a woman on her 18th birthday and sexually abused two other young girls has been jailed for more than eight years.

69-year-old Peter Watson, of Hawkhill Road in Alloa, carried out the rape more than 39 years ago and the sex abuse over two decades ago.

In sentencing, judge Lady Rae said: “This is an appalling catalogue of crime. You raped a young woman on her 18th birthday and some years later you went on to seriously abuse young children.

“Such offences could have a life changing impact on children and a young woman. It beggars belief what you have done.”

Prosecutor Lynsey MacDonald said: “The rape took place in 1978 when the accused was 30.

“The complainer went out with friends to celebrate her birthday. She ended up back at the accused's house and fell asleep fully dressed on the couch in the living room.

“During the night the accused came into the room and remove her trousers and underwear. She woke up disorientated and confused. “

The court heard that she told Watson to get off her, but he continued raping her for five to ten minutes before stopping.

Ms MacDonald said: “The woman had never previously had sexual intercourse with anyone. She did not tell anyone what had happened.”

Years later she met another of his victims at a wedding who told of how Watson had abused her.

After the meeting the other woman, who is now 49, went to the police.

She told police that she had been indecently assaulted by Watson on one occasion when he was babysitting her.

The woman was aged five or six in 1982 and Watson got into bed with her and began touching her.

This only stopped when he heard other adults returning to the house and got up and said: “I'm in the wrong bedroom.”

She said that whenever she met him after this incident he would give her sweets and money.

Another victim also came forward to say Watson had indecently assaulted her when she was aged between nine and 14 when he was looking after her.

Ms MacDonald said: “He would go into her bedroom dressed only in boxer shorts. He would tell her to shush and then touch her genitals.”

On one occasion she thought he was going to have sex with her and screamed “No.”

Watson, she said, looked shocked and got up and left the room. She was upset and crying.

Watson, a first offender, admitted the sexual abuse offences which were committed between 1982 and 1992.

The rape was committed in 1978. All the offences took place at addresses in Stirlingshire.

Watson was placed on the sex offenders' register.

He showed no emotion as he was led away to begin his sentence of 8 years and 3 months.