Glasgow pensioner fends off a mugger with her walking stick

78 year old Evelyn is telling her story exclusively to Clyde News

Published 6th Feb 2018
Last updated 7th Feb 2018

A Glasgow pensioner who fended off a mugger with her walking stick is telling Clyde News she surprised herself with her own bravery.

"I just decided that this person wasn't taking my bag!"

He attacked 78 year old Evelyn Thompson in the grounds of the New Victoria Hospital early on Monday afternoon.

Police think he followed her from the bus.

She's telling her story exclusively to Clyde News

The suspect is described as white, in his late 30s, muscular build, wearing a black jacket, a woollen hat and black shoes.

Detective Fiona MacKenzie, Community Investigations Unit, Govan, said:

“The lady had been on her way to an appointment at the hospital when the man struck. Thankfully she was not injured, indeed she made her appointment, went home and then called police.

“She had been on a number 6 bus and got off just outside the hospital. We believe the man had also been on the bus and followed her off.

“Officers have been checking CCTV and making local enquiries to trace the man responsible for this, however, we are keen to speak to a number of people, both men and women, who were at the pick- up and drop-off area to the front of the hospital at the bus stop at the time. They came to the woman’s aid after the man had run off.

“I have no doubt they saw the attack take place and I would ask that they, or indeed anyone with information that could assist our enquiry, contact the Community Investigations Unit at Helen Street Police Station in Govan as soon as possible. Please quote reference number 2209/06/02/18 when calling.

“Details can also be passed anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”