Party leaders emphasise jobs and education in pitches for votes

Jobs and education will be the focus of the penultimate day of campaigning in the Scottish election.

Published 3rd May 2016

Jobs and education will be the focus of the penultimate day of campaigning in the Scottish election.

SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon will highlight the party's plans "to stand up for Scottish industry and create more and better jobs", in a speech to business leaders in Aberdeen.

Green co-convener Patrick Harvie and Maggie Chapman will also highlight the potential for new jobs in renewable industries, on a visit to a wind turbine class at Fife College.

Labour Kezia Dugdale will visit a soft play area in Glasgow to warn of the threat "the SNP's ÂŁ3 billion of cuts" could have on education and frontline services.

Liberal Democrat leader Willie Rennie will join his West of Scotland Lib Dem candidate Katy Gordon at a mini golf course in Renfrew, insisting education and mental health have been "neglected" by the SNP.

Conservative leader Ruth Davidson will travel coast to coast - from Oban to Peterhead - to convince those who may not be "dyed in the wool Conservatives" that Labour has had its day as Scotland's biggest opposition party.

Ms Sturgeon said: "Job creation will be at the heart of a re-elected SNP Government's agenda - and as we have shown in recent months, we will relentlessly champion Scottish business and always stand up for our key industries.

"And the only way people in Scotland can be sure of re-electing an SNP Government with a bold, ambitious plan to create new and better-paid jobs is to cast both votes for the SNP on Thursday."

Mr Harvie said: "Scotland's economy is facing huge challenges, not least from the inevitable decline in the oil and gas sectors, so the need for a plan of action has never been greater.

"Today's visit underlines the Scottish Green Party's manifesto commitment to investment in skills and new jobs that will last."

Ms Dugdale said: "There are just two days left to avoid ÂŁ3 billion of cuts to Scotland's public services that are coming down the road with another SNP government.

"The SNP must now come clean on their secret cuts by telling voters where the axe would fall.

"A vote for Labour is a vote to use the new powers of the Scottish Parliament to tax the richest 1% so we can invest in schools and stop the cuts to public services. A vote for the SNP is a vote for cuts to children's education, cuts to frontline services and cutting jobs."

Mr Rennie said: "The SNP have had nine years to get to grips with the challenges facing our public services. Scotland cannot afford to wait any longer.

"Everywhere I go, people tell me that they are pleased that we are talking about big issues like education and mental health that were neglected while the SNP campaigned for independence. The last thing Scotland needs is a groundhog day debate on the constitution."

Ms Davidson said: "You don't have to be a dyed-in-the-wool Conservative to back me and my team on Thursday.

"Many people are supporting me because they just want an opposition at Holyrood which will really hold the SNP to account for once. Labour has had its chance - I am ready to step up and do a job for Scotland."