"My son's deteriorating in front of my eyes" says cannabis campaigner

Published 5th Dec 2018
Last updated 10th Dec 2018

Dozens of parents from across Glasgow and the West, whose kids have chronic epilepsy, have come together to demand immediate access to medical cannabis.

It was legalised earlier this year but they say it's so restricted their kids could die before they’re given a prescription.

Lisa Quarrell’s 6 year-old son Cole has had brain surgery and requires more.

The East Kilbride mum's told Clyde News it's heartbreaking knowing he might not be able to walk by the end of the year:

"My son's deterioted so much in the last four weeks he's gone from a fun, very active child who loves football to one who's having ten seizures every night. My son's lost his zest for life."

The group Parents for Hope is calling on the Scottish Government to step in and make whole plant cannabis oils available now.