Exclusive: Pam Duncan-Glancy on working at Holyrood in a wheelchair

The new Glasgow Labour MSP shows us around her office at the Scottish Parliament

Author: Rob WallerPublished 12th May 2021
Last updated 12th May 2021

Pam Duncan-Glancy is telling Clyde 1 about the positive experience of her first day at the Scottish Parliament as the the first MSP who is a permament wheelchair-user.

The 39-year-old was elected as one of four Labour MSPs on the Glasgow regional list, having contested the Glasgow Kelvin consituency.

Pam's election didn't pass without an example of the difficulties she is used to facing every day.

She was stuck outside the Glasgow counting centre at the Emirates Arena for 45 minutes on the first day as officials scrambled to find a fob so she could use the lift.

Pam reported that security guards initially doubted she was a candidate and claimed she had the ‘wrong pass'.

There were also problems using her wheelchair around the one-way system in the venue, in place for Covid-19 reasons, and for Pam and her carer to get access to the toilets.

So we asked Pam to record a vlog about how she got during her induction session at the Holyrood building on Tuesday.

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