Two men in court charged with killing teen girl in Paisley street race

Shaun Gatti and David Kinnon are said to have caused the death of Robyn Fryar in the early hours of Sunday morning.

Author: Kerri-Ann DochertyPublished 8th Jul 2019

Two men have appeared in court charged with killing a teenage girl in a street race.

Shaun Gatti and David Kinnon are said to have caused the death of Robyn Fryar in the early hours of Sunday morning.

Gatti and Kinnon, both 20, were arrested by officers from Police Scotland on Sunday, following the fatal road crash in Paisley, hours earlier.

Miss Fryar passed away in hospital after being struck at around 2am as she crossed Glenburn Road near to Fereneze Drive, Paisley.

Gatti and Kinnon were held in police custody overnight before appearing privately in the dock at Paisley Sheriff Court.

Gatti, of Paisley, made no plea to the four charges against him during his private hearing, where he was represented by defence solicitor Terry Gallanagh, a partner in law firm McCusker, McElroy and Gallanagh.

Prosecutors claim that Gatti and Kinnon drove "dangerously and did drive at excessive speeds within a 30 miles per hour speed limit, and did engage in a race with each other" which resulted in Gatti's car striking Miss Fryar and leaving his car damaged and her "so severely injured that she died later that same day at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children" within Glasgow's Queen Elizabeth University Hospital.

Gatti also faces charges that he failed to provide his details at the scene of an accident and failed to report the collision to police.

And he is also accused of trying to pervert the course of justice by attempting "to conceal" his car "under a tarpaulin and did remove registration plates from said motor car knowing that he had collided with and caused the death of Robyn Fryar... and this he did with the intent to conceal his guilt."

Kinnon, of Paisley, also made no plea to the single charge against him - causing Miss Fryar's death by dangerous driving - during his hearing, where he was represented by defence solicitor Charlie McCusker, also of law firm McCusker, McElroy and Gallanagh.

Sheriff Kevin Duffy continued the case against both men for prosecutors to investigate further, and released them on bail with special conditions.

No future court dates have been set but both men are expected to go on trial before a jury later this year.