Paisley pod link to replace Glasgow Airport tram plan?

Published 31st Jan 2019
Last updated 1st Feb 2019

A tram train link to Glasgow Airport could be scrapped in favour of self-driving pods taking passengers to Paisley.

Transport Secretary Michael Matheson says they're looking at an alternative plan because of worries that Glasgow Central station is too busy to cope.

The project partners, including Transport Scotland, Glasgow City Council and Renfrewshire Council, are going to invesitgate a Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) scheme and believe it is likely to emerge as the preferred option.

A system is already in place at Heathrow Airport where self-driving pods use guided tracks to connect a business car park to the terminal area.

The original proposal, for a full size heavy rail line was scrapped in 2009 on cost grounds by the SNP government when the project was at an advanced stage and land had been bought.

The revived plans for a tram train, which would share Network Rail tracks from Paisley to Glasgow Central, was part of the Glasgow City Deal agreed in 2014.

Transport Secretary Michael Matheson told the Scottish Parliament that concerns had emerged about how it would work in practice; "in particular constraints at Glasgow Central, and the potential impact that would have on services to Inverclyde, Ayrshire and also to East Kilbride."

Labour MSP for Glasgow, Johann Lamont, questioned him, asking: "Who is it who is putting a block on a proposal where the money is there, the plan is agreed by the partners, it is recognised as having social, economic, and environmental and economic benefits to Glasgow and the west of Scotland, and it's still not going to happen?"

A meeting of the project’s Executive Steering Group, on Wednesday, heard that the scheme could be delivered within the existing budget and timescale, being operational 2025, and the City Region Cabinet will be asked to approve work on an Outline Business Case, to be completed later this year.

Leader of Glasgow City Council, Susan Aitken said: “Improved connectivity to Glasgow Airport is a key priority; however the advice from officers and consultants is

“I remain committed to a solution that delivers improved public transport connectivity to Glasgow Airport - but I am determined that it should also provide value for money for the city, and deliver the widest possible inclusive economic benefits. I’m confident that we have made significant progress towards that outcome today.”

Her comments were echoed by Renfrewshire Council Leader Iain Nicolson who said said: “This is a really positive step forward and recognition that a transport link between Glasgow City Centre, Paisley and Glasgow Airport is critical to the success of the city region economy.

“It is important we get the right solution which takes in to account competing demands on the existing rail network and delivers for the whole of the City Region. In order to ensure we get the right solution, we now have a clear way forward and agreement to look at a business case for a Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) system, which can be delivered quickly and finally make the connection between the Airport and the city that business leaders and investors are crying out for.

“Renfrewshire Council is fully supportive of this approach and will be seeking Cabinet approval in the next few weeks to develop an outline business case to deliver a PRT for 2025.”

On Wednesday Glasgow Airport's Managing Director, Mark Johnson, told Clyde News he regarded a link as vital to the future prospects of the airport.

Reacting to the announcement he said: “Over the course of the past 10 years, we have been working with partners to address the long standing issue of access to and from Glasgow Airport. With the recent Jacobs report having confirmed congestion on the M8 has reached record levels there is an acceptance by all involved that doing nothing is not an option.

“We were informed that due to issues around rail capacity the project partners are developing an alternative option. This will be evaluated and we will of course work with the partners to promote the delivery of an effective solution within the agreed timescale.