Paisley murder accused attacked girl who refused sex, court hears

A murder accused repeatedly kicked a girl to the head when she rejected his offer for sex on the same day he allegedly killed a man, a court has heard.

Court Gavel
Published 18th Apr 2018

A murder accused repeatedly kicked a girl to the head when she rejected his offer for sex on the same day he allegedly killed a man, a court has heard.

Stuart McLellan, 28, is said to have asked Sarah Beattie for “a threesome” and pushed her onto the floor and kicked her to the head, according to a statement given to the police.

Jurors heard excerpts from the statement that had Charmaine Holmes’ name on it and what she said appeared to be her signature, although claimed she couldn’t remember speaking to officers.

A part of the statement that said: “I could hear Stuart in the bedroom, he was saying to Sarah ‘do you want to have a threesome with me” was read to the court.

And the sentence “Stuart then started to kick up f*** because Sarah had knocked him back.”

Holmes, 21, was giving evidence at the High Court in Glasgow at the trial of McLellan and James Wright, 25, who are accused of murdering Craig McClelland at Tweed Avenue, Foxbar, Paisley, on July 23, 2017.

McLellan also denies attempting to pervert the course of justice by hiding a top worn by him.

Miss Holmes told the court she cannot remember being at her friend Nicole’s flat at Leitchland Road in Paisley on July 23 last year.

She said she was drunk and has no memory of being there, but said she knows McLellan and identified him in court.

It was put to her by advocate depute Paul Brown that she gave a statement to police at her friend’s flat that evening, but she said she had no recollection.

Mr Brown asked: "If we hear from an officer that you gave the name Amy Chalmers, what would your response to that be?" She replied: "I can't remember."

He continued: "You're not disputing it?" and she said "No."

Parts from a second statement from July 24, with her name on and what she said looks like her signature, were also put to her.

It included information that Holmes was at her friend Nicole’s house with Sarah Beattie and that she learned McLellan - known as Disco - and a person called Jamie were going to join them.

The statement also said that she didn’t know who Jamie was.

She said she couldn't remember saying that to police.

In evidence she said she didn't know a Jamie Wright.

Mr Brown read a part of the statement that said: “At some point during the night, I don’t know what time I have gone to the toilet.

“As I have went to the toilet Sarah has gone in to the bedroom, there was only one bedroom.

“The toilet was near the bedroom, while I was in the toilet I could hear Stuart in the bedroom, he was saying to Sarah ‘do you want to have a threesome with me’.”

Miss Holmes said she cant dispute that it was said to the police but didn’t remember.

The court heard the statement said Holmes was “seeing” Sarah and told McLellan to leave her alone and he “started to kick up f*** because Sarah had knocked him back”.

And that the others in the house came into the bedroom at that point.

She was asked if there was any reason to suggest she was telling lies and said "Not that I can remember."

Mr Brown read: “Disco has pushed Sarah, Sarah has fallen back and landed on the bedroom floor."

Again, she said she couldn't remember saying it but doesn't dispute it was.

The prosecutor continued: “Disco then kicked Sarah on the head about three times and me and Nicole pushed Sarah away from Sarah who was still on the ground but trying to get up.”

Holmes said she knew of no reason why it would be lies but can’t remember speaking to the police.

Wright and McLellan deny the charges and the trial before judge Lord Matthews continues.