Paisley man faces jail for 140mph motorway chase

Two police cars and a police helicopter were involved in the pursuit.

Published 11th Jul 2018
Last updated 11th Jul 2018

A man who led police on a high-speed chase along Scotland's busiest motorway - at 140mph - has been warned he faces jail.

Steven Longmore, 22, was spotted speeding through Renfrew, near Glasgow, last month by teams of police officers who tried to stop him.

But he crossed the central reservation on to the other side of the road and sped off, before tearing down the M8 motorway so fast police were unable to catch him and a helicopter had to be scrambled to assist.

The chase only came to an end when Longmore tried to leave the M8 - and crashed in to a barrier on the off ramp.

The details emerged today when Longmore appeared in the dock at Paisley Sheriff Court over the events of June 16 this year.

He pleaded guilty to four charges under the Road Traffic Act 1988 - dangerous driving, driving without insurance, failing to stop for police officers and taking his dad's car without his permission.

Procurator Fiscal Depute Meghan Glancey said Longmore had been at his father's home in Nevis Road, Renfrew, at about 9pm on the day in question and left in his dad's Vauxhall Astra SRI after swiping the spare key.

The prosecutor explained: "Speed checks were being carried out on Renfrew Road and police observed the accused traveling towards them in lane two and the speed appeared to them to be excessive.

"As a result, one of the officers stepped on to the carriageway and signaled to the car to pull in."

Longmore slowed the vehicle down but did not stop completely - and then sped off.

Miss Glancey explained: "The driver then crossed the central reservation, towards the opposite carriageway, police officers entered their vehicle and activated their blue lights, signalling for the accused to stop and he failed to do so, so a pursuit was then declared with arrangements made for additional resources to assist."

The officers tailed Longmore but he sped through two red lights before joining the motorway as he tried to outrun the cops.

Miss Glancey explained: "On the M8 he swerved between lanes and continued to travel at excessive speeds.

"Two police cars were following the accused and a police helicopter was also summoned to assist in the pursuit.

"He was traveling at speeds excessive to the police officers.

"In passing the slip at junction seven, he used the hard shoulder to undertake a van, then went in to lane one and used this lane to pass five cars traveling in lane two

"He then exited the M8 at junction seven and, on attempting to negotiate the left hand bend of the slip has collided with the crash barrier before coming to a stop."

As he deferred sentence on Longmore, of Maxwell Street, Paisley, until next month for background reports to be prepared, Sheriff Colin Pettigrew warned him he could be jailed for the offences.

He said: "I have to be concerned at the fact that the level of driving fell way below that which is to be expected.

"This involved, as described, a police pursuit and involved a police helicopter, and I'd be totally failing in my duty if I did not consider all competent disposals open to me - and that includes whether or not a custodial disposal is the only appropriate disposal here."

Longmore was also banned from driving and was told he will be given the exact length of the ban on the next occasion