Online abuse targeting Humza Yousaf after Paris terror attacks

police investigating abusive comments on social media in the days since Friday's atrocities

Humza Yousaf
Published 16th Nov 2015

Police are investigating after online abuse was directed at a Scottish Government minister in the wake of the Paris terror attacks.

SNP international development minister Humza Yousaf has been subjected to abusive comments on social media in the days since Friday's atrocities, including posts accusing him of being a terrorist sympathiser.

The Scottish Government confirmed the Glasgow MSP had reported Twitter and Facebook abuse to the police.

In a post on his Twitter feed, Mr Yousaf thanked people for the numerous messages of support he had received.

He said: "Thanks all for v kind msgs, reminded that good overpowers bad. Important if you are victim of hate crime be sure to report @policescotland.''

A Scottish Government spokeswoman said: "This government is clear that any form of hate crime is totally unacceptable and will not be tolerated in 21st-century Scotland.

"Mr Yousaf has informed the police of recent social media activity and urges anyone else to do the same.

"We value the cohesion of our communities and welcome Scotland's diversity.

Scotland is becoming a more inclusive country and this is very much to be welcomed.

"We want everyone in our communities to live safely and without fear, to live with dignity and respect.''

A Police Scotland spokeswoman said: "We can confirm that we have received a complaint and we are at the very early stages of investigating.''

Over the weekend, Police Scotland Deputy Chief Constable Iain Livingstone said the force had dealt with a number of crimes motivated by religious hatred since the attacks, both online in the community.