Old Firm Fan Jailed For Sectarian Singing

Published 12th Mar 2015

An Old Firm fan was jailed for four months by a sheriff who slammed him for bringing shame on Glasgow. Scott Lamont, was heard by police singing the words from the Billy Boy's on Cathcart Road on February 1. The 24-year-old from Glasgow, pled guilty at the city's sheriff court after spending the night in the cells. He was warned at the time that he was facing jail for his crime. Lamont was sentenced to four months in prison, reduced from six and given an 18 month football banning order. Sheriff Paul Crozier told his lawyer Joanne Gray: "Glasgow has developed a good reputation in recent years. "We had the Commonwealth Games last summer, we haven't had an Old Firm game in years. "What happened at the first Old Firm game? People like him let Glasgow down." He described the comments as "inflammatory" an said it "could have lead to horrendous violence". The sheriff told Lamont: "Your conduct on February 1 was the sort of conduct that the authorities had asked football loving fans to refrain from. "A message has to be sent to those people who would choose to ruin football for the vast majority who want to go to these games, that you cannot behave like this. "This sort of behaviour will not be tolerated, certainly not by me." Miss Gray said Lamont had been drinking with friends in a nearby bowling club and was excited for the game. She said: "He's not a man who regularly goes to the football. He goes to the occasional game and had been offered a ticket." The defence lawyer said he had never been to an Old Firm game before and never made it on this occasion because he was detained by police on his way there. Another Alexander Blood, from Saltford was given a community payback order after admitting acting in a racially aggravated manner. Blood, a coach for a junior football team, was outside a pub on Eglinton Street when he was told to move on by police. The court previously heard that Rangers football casuals were on the street which attracted the police's attention. Blood - who claimed he wasn't with the crowd and was in the company of friends - told an officer "Can't f** understand you jock c***". As part of the order he will be supervised for 18 months and must carry out 160 hours of unpaid work. He was also given a three year football banning order by sheriff Crozier.