Officers hurt in Glasgow firework attacks

One officer was struck on the head with a firework as another washed glass from his eye after the attacks.

Published 6th Nov 2020
Last updated 6th Nov 2020

Investigations are under way following a number of serious incidents across Scotland on Bonfire Night.

In Glasgow, officers came under attack in Dale Street with youths throwing fireworks at them.

In Glenisla Street, a police officer was struck on the head with a firework - he was treated at the scene and continued his shift.

In Kendoon Avenue, police received a report of a vehicle on fire.

Officers attended and the police car’s windscreen was smashed, resulting in an officer washing glass from his eye.

He continued on duty and one man was arrested.

In Auchmead Road, Greenock, an unauthorised bonfire event resulted in firefighters and officers being attacked as youths threw fireworks and bottles.

Public order officers were deployed to deal with the incident.

A 15-year old male youth was arrested and charged - he is subject of a report to the Procurator Fiscal.

Assistant Chief Constable Tim Mairs said: “As the Chief Constable has said, it is disgraceful and deplorable when officers and staff are subjected to violence during the course of their duties.

“Across the country, the overwhelming majority of the public enjoyed Bonfire Night safely and responsibly and I want to thank them for heeding our advice. However, I am disappointed at the level of disorder and anti-social behaviour seen last night. A minority of people’s behaviour has once again put lives at risk. It also places intense pressure on the emergency services and impacts severely on local communities.

“The evening of Thursday, 5 November, 2020, saw a number of serious incidents arising throughout Scotland that required Operation Moonbeam resources to support local policing colleagues.

“The majority of these incidents involved young people. To be absolutely clear, such actions are dangerous and cause harm to the public and emergency service workers.

“We will not tolerate such acts and you may not have been arrested last night but rest assured, officers are carrying out follow-up investigations to identify those involved and


Additional officers will continue to be deployed over the coming days to support local divisions.”