Number Of Appointments Axed At Flood Hit Glasgow Hospital

Published 12th Mar 2015

The Gartnavel hospital in Glasgow has been hit by flooding. NHS chiefs tells us none of the wards have been evacuated and it is the stairwells that were affected.

23 appointments have been axed. Two of the lifts are out of action and some roof paneling caved in due to the water issues.

An NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde spokesperson said: "We can confirm that a flood has occurred at Gartnavel General Hospital due to a burst pipe. No inpatient wards at the hospital have been affected."

"The vast majority of outpatient appointments are also unaffected. However, we have had to postpone a small number of ophthalmology outpatient appointments which will be rescheduled as soon as possible and we apologise to those patients affected."

"The main areas affected are the stairwells but all emergency exits are clear. A number of the lifts are also affected but others are operating normally. Staff are working to reinstate the other lifts and we hope the hospital will be back to normal as soon as possible."