Notorious criminal found guilty of acid attack on crime journalist

William 'Basil' Burns attacked Russell Findlay at his home in December 2015

Published 26th Jun 2017

A notorious criminal has been convicted of an acid attack on a journalist.

William 'Basil' Burns attacked Russell Findlay on the doorstep of his home in Glasgow's west end in December 2015.

Burns – disguised as a postman – hurled sulphuric acid into the 44 year-old face leaving him lucky not to be blinded.

The 56 year-old hitman had denied being the culprit during a trial at the High Court in Glasgow.

He insisted he had only turned up at Mr Findlay's door to “beat up” the then investigative editor of the Scottish Sun.

Burns claimed the journalist had told him he had a compromising photo of the 56 year-old with a young blonde woman.

He went on to state Mr Findlay – who has also written books on gangland crime - must have thrown the acid on his own face.

But, a jury today found Burns, of Paisley, Renfrewshire, guilty of assaulting his victim to the danger of his life.

His extensive criminal record was then revealed to the court.

In 2001, he was jailed for 15 years for brutally gunning down a woman during a post office robbery in Linwood, Renfrewshire.

In 1996, Burns was locked up for six years for threatening a security guard with a gun after he stole a cake from a Marks and Spencer store in Paisley.

He also has previous convictions for assault, firearms and carrying offensive weapons.

Burns had been freed early from the 15 year jail term when he attacked Mr Findlay.

The sentence had been due to expire in July 2016 – months after he struck in this latest crime.

Burns – who showed no emotion at the verdict – was remanded in custody pending sentencing next month.

Co-accused Alexander Porter (48) – who faced the same charge and was said to be getaway driver – had a not proven verdict returned.

A jury heard how Mr Findlay answered his door around 8.30am on December 23 2015 and was told he had a parcel to sign for.

He was handed a card to sign – but, as he did so, acid was flung in his face.

The journalist recalled: "I felt liquid on my face. Something very wrong had happened. He came at me in the hall. I knew I was being attacked."

He wrestled Burns out of the house, held onto him and yelled for help.

Mr Findlay had originally given evidence in January this year, but that trial had to be abandoned.

He told that earlier hearing his young daughter had also been in the house and she was “very scared”.

The victim's daughter recalled how her dad had been “screaming for help” and that his “face was really sore”.

An eye specialist told the latest trial buckets of water being thrown over Mr Findlay's face shortly after the attack had diluted the effects of the acid.

Burns admitted in evidence he went to Mr Findlay's home, but denied going armed with a glass jar filled with acid and a knife.

He told the jury he only went there to "beat up" Mr Findlay.

Burns said he was angry because in a phone call the night before he claimed Mr Findlay told him he had a photo of him with a young female.

Burns claimed that Mr Findlay threatened to show this to his wife.

Mr Findlay denied the phone call had ever taken place.

Burns also claimed that Mr Findlay had thrown the acid on his own face.

Prosecutor Richard Goddard described Burns evidence as "improbable, bizarre and absurd."