New Plans For Rest And Be Thankful Backed By Racing Legend

Published 7th Aug 2015

It's one of Scotland's most picturesque viewpoints and has strong historical ties with motor racing. So strong in fact that one of the sport's biggest heroes, Sir Jackie Stewart has backed new plans to build a visitor centre into it's hillside.

The Rest and Be Thankful in Argyll will also see a re-vamped old Military Road which staged many hill climb events, attracting the likes of Sir Jackie and Jim Clarke. The man behind the idea, Douglas Anderson, was also at the forefront of the project to bring the Monte Carlo Classic Rally Back to Scotland in 2011 and is happy with the progress.

He said: "It started about 10 years ago, it was an idea of mine. Two things that I'm trying to do is to re-instate the old road which was in a really bad state and also to have some sort of building at the top which would celebrate the place Scotland has in motor sport.

"We got the road re-instated so the next part of the project - part of the vision really - is to have this visitors centre which will be a multi-purpose building "

It is not just it's historical connections to motor racing which makes this project so significant. When completed, the visitor center could offer restaurants and space for art - as well as employment for local people.

Douglas thinks it offers many opportunities. He said: "The building will be a multi-use facility which could be used by the local community for film, business and cultural events and there will also be retail and a restaurant area.

"There will be full-time jobs in the construction phase and full and part-time jobs when complete"

With the project well underway already, Douglas welcomed the backing of Sir Jackie Stewart.

He said: " We spoke to him about the project and he was just overwhelmed by it, he thought it was a fantastic idea and basically he said that Scotland doesn't do enough of this to push itself."

"He thought it was a fantastic thing, not only for the area but for Scottish motorsport."