New pictures of three month old polar bear cub

Final call for members of the public to take part in naming the bear

Published 10th Mar 2022

The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS) has shared adorable new images of the UK’s youngest polar bear at Highland Wildlife Park.

With one week left to go, one lucky winner will be given the opportunity to meet and name the three-month-old cub, after a prize draw was launched last week to help build Scotland’s Wildlife Discovery Centre at the park, near Aviemore.

Every donation made to the draw will be doubled thanks to one of the wildlife conservation charity’s supporters, with the winner helping keepers choose the perfect name for the three-month-old male cub.

Someone will be given the opportunity to meet and name the three-month-old cub

Scotland’s Wildlife Discovery Centre will cost £5.6 million in total and is supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, intentions to award from the Natural and Cultural Heritage Fund, led by NatureScot and supported by the European Development Fund (ERDF), and Highlands and Islands Enterprise, as well as players of People's Postcode Lottery and SSE Renewables.

Public viewing is still closed to give Victoria and her youngster lots of peace and quiet. In a few weeks, the cub will be introduced to a larger outdoor enclosure.

The cub feeding with mum Victoria