Murder trial hears man shot in Glasgow had 'no enemies'

26-year old Euan ''EJ'' Johnston was shot in the head as he sat at traffic lights in November 2016

Published 27th Apr 2018

Euan “EJ” Johnston had “no enemies”, a murder trial heard. A close friend made the claim to police days after the 26 year-old was killed in November 2016.

A jury earlier heard how Mr Johnston was near the scene of a possible shooting months before his death.

The evidence was heard at the High Court in Glasgow.

Anthony Ruthven and David Scott - both 33 - are charged with murdering Mr Johnston on November 15 2016.

Prosecutors claim the pair - while acting with others unknown - did “repeatedly discharge” a firearm at the 26 year-old in the city's Kinning Park.

Mr Johnston's friend Sharon Gall was giving evidence.

The 39 year-old broke down in tears when she was shown a photo of the dad.

She went on to tell jurors: “I was one of the last people to speak with him.”

The court heard of a statement Miss Gall gave to police around a week after his death.

Miss Gall said to officers: “As far as I know Euan Johnston had no enemies...not a bad word to say about Euan.”

The jury was also today/yesterday told of a number of alleged incidents on August 12 2016.

This included a time Miss Gall was at her home in the city's Springburn with others including Mr Johnston.

She remembered her then partner Craig Shaw having a cut eye and Gary Bradburn - an ex-lover - driving a van at a Jeep.

Prosecutor Alex Prentice QC asked: “So, he deliberately drove into the Jeep - then you heard a noise after the collision?”

Miss Gall: “Popping noises.”

Mr Prentice: “Where was EJ at the time of the popping noises?”

She replied: “At the bottom of the garden...cannot remember where he was.”

The advocate depute: “Did EJ hide anywhere?”

Miss Gall said she did not know if he did, but may have “stood behind” a neighbour's Mercedes.

Mr Prentice: “Did you consider there was a danger?”

The witness: “Yes.”

She was asked what she done afterwards - but Miss Gall said: “Nothing I could do...did not know who it was.”

Mr Prentice suggested she could have called the police.

He then asked her was she familiar with the term “grass” and Miss Gall admitted she was.

Mr Prentice said there “appears to be shots fired” in what he described as a “dangerous and alarming” situation.

But, he added Miss Gall had not given a “full account” to officers.

The prosecutor: “You did not want to be a grass and refused to tell the police what happened?”

Miss Gall: “I will say yes.”

Mr Prentice then later asked: “Are you frightened to give evidence?”

Miss Gall: “Not an ideal situation, but not frightened, no.”

Ruthven and Scott deny the accusations.

The trial, before Judge Lady Stacey, continues.