Murder accused told police officer Sharon Greenop was 'sleeping' after her body was discovered

Lynette and Shayla Greenop deny murdering the 46-year-old at their home in Troon

Published 13th Apr 2018
Last updated 13th Apr 2018

A police officer recalled finding the dead body of a woman allegedly killed by her sister and daughter – but was told she was “just asleep”.

PC Ryan McIntyre made the discovery after calling at the home of Sharon Greenop in Troon, South Ayrshire in November 2016.

The constable remembered the “smell of death”.

PC McIntyre and a colleague went on to speak with Sharon's sister Lynnette Greenop.

A jury heard she appeared “perfectly calm” at one stage and seemed “refusing to accept” the death.

The evidence was heard at the High Court in Glasgow.

Lynnette, 40, and Sharon's daughter Shayla Greenop, 20, are accused of murdering the mum at their home in Troon.

It is claimed the 46 year-old was assaulted on various occasions between September 8 and November 10 2016.

The court earlier heard how the next door neighbour of Sharon had gone to police after finding a pungent smell in his own house.

PC McIntyre was one officers who turned up at Sharon's home on November 10 2016.

It was Lynnette who allowed them inside. PC McIntyre said he initially spotted candles burning.

The officers went upstairs - PC McIntyre opened a bedroom and first found a “fresh white bread sandwich” near a bed.

But, the constable went on to discover a corpse “covered neck to toe in a white bed sheet”.

PC McIntyre said: “There was a strong odour which I can only describe as the smell of death.”

The officer – who had only been in the job 10 months – remembered his colleague patting him on the shoulder before they went to speak to Lynnette.

She was initially said to be “perfectly calm” and “not expressing any concern”.

PC McIntyre went on: “My colleague asked what had happened up there.

“Lynnette replied: 'What do you mean?'. She appeared genuinely inquisitive.

“My colleague said: 'Your sister is dead'. She replied: 'She is not dead. She is just sleeping'.

“My colleague stated she had been dead a long time.

“Lynnette then began crying, entered a state of disbelief and was almost refusing to accept what we had saw.”

Lynnette was taken into a police van while moves were made to make the house a crime scene.

She claimed she had last spoken to Sharon two days earlier and had “heard her moving about”.

But, PC McIntyre said: “I thought at the time this could not be true and Lynnette was disassociating herself from her sister's death.”

The officer added Lynnette went on to become “significantly calmer”.

This included her chatting about her niece Shayla and what bands they liked.

Her QC Frances McMenamin later asked the PC: “Given what you found in the room and Lynnette's reaction, the whole scenario was utterly bizarre?”

He replied: “That is fair to say.”

The trial later heard that Lynnette was “ranting and raving” in her local grocery shop after news spread of Sharon's death.

A worker there had offered Lynnette her condolences.

But, she was said to have stated that “rumours” her sister had been dead for months were “f** lies”.

It was alleged Lynnette claimed those in the shop were responsible for what was being said and that it “better stop”.

A carer who once helped look after Sharon went on to tell jurors the mum had been "great".

Tina Montgomery added: "She was a perfectly nice person. She liked her TV. We chatted quite a bit."

The 35 year-old witness said Sharon also "doted" on her daughter Shayla.

The murder charge alleges Sharon was repeatedly struck with “object or objects” and had her neck compressed.

It is said injuries were also inflicted “by means unknown” and that there was a failure to obtain medical help.

Sharon is stated to have been so severely hurt that she died.

The two accused – who both live in Ayr, South Ayrshire – deny all charges.

The trial, before Lady Carmichael, continues.