Murder Accused Denied Killing Dog Walker

Published 19th Feb 2015

The man accused of murdering dog walker Jean Campbell told police: "It wasn't me," a court heard. Detective Sergeant Gordon MacKenzie told the High Court in Glasgow that 21-year-old Paul Ward made the comment when he was arrested on July 11, 2014. He was giving evidence during an examination of facts into the death of 53-year-old Mrs Campbell, who was found dead in Cranhill Park on December 14, 2013. Her German Shepherd dog Kai was nearby. Ward is accused of murdering 53-year-old Mrs Campbell by repeatedly striking her on the head and body with a dog lead and by means unknown inflicting further injuries at Cranhill Park, Glasgow, on December 13, 2013. He is deemed unfit to stand trial and is currently in the State Hospital. At the end of the examination of facts judge Lord Matthews will determine if Ward committed the offence. Det Sgt MacKenzie told the court that Ward was interviewed in Baird Street police station. He was asked by advocate depute Alex Prentice QC , prosecuting: "Did you say 'Okay, Paul can you tell me in as much details as possible about your involvement in the murder of Jean Campbell" and replied: "Yes and Mr Ward said 'I never touched that woman. I never made contact with that woman. That's all I'm saying.'" Det Sgt MacKenzie was then asked what Mr Ward's demeanour was during this interview?" and replied: "He was slouched in his chair and and not making eye eye contact by and large." Mr Prentice then asked what happened when he was read a statement from Yvonne Leyden, whose home in Crowlin Crescen, Cranhill, he visited on December 13, 2013, to see her son Thomas. In this she said: "Jean couldn't control the dog. She would shout and scream at the dog and hit it with a lead. I remember Paul Ward being angry and upset at the way she treated the dog. He said 'I hate her and I hate the way she treats the dog. How would she like that if I did that to her.'" Det Sergeant was asked how Ward reacted to this being read over to him and replied: "He was looking away with his eyes shut or partially shut. At the point I read this out he reacted by opening his eyes and starinf at me, holding my gaze and then doing the same to my colleague." The court heard that Ward's family home in Langness Road, Cranhill, was bugged by police from March until Aptil 2013. During this time Ward did not directly or indirectly admit having anything to do with the death of Mrs Campbell. It was also revealed that it was not until his fourth police interview that Ward said that he may have seen Mrs Campbell and her dog that night. CCTV footage, which was broadcast of BBC's Crimewatch programme, of what may have been Mrs Campbell last walk with Kai was shown. She is seen walking along Bellrock Street at 10.30pm. The court also was shown CCTV footage of a person walking along Crowlin Crescent towards block of flats where the Leydens lived at 11.05pm. Ward admitted being at the Leydens home that night, but said he was unsure what time he arrived, although Yvonne Leyden earlier told the court she thought it was around 11pm. Other residents of the block have given evidence saying that they received no visitors on the night of December 13, 2013. Mrs Campbell's body was found before 8am on December 14, 2013. by her husband John, a nightshift worker, who was worried when he came home to find her and their German Shepherd dog Kai missing. He searched where she normally walked the dog and found her body and the dog nearby. The trial before judge Lord Matthews continues.