MSPS to debate protection of Scottish parliament after Brexit row.


MSPs will debate how to "protect the Scottish Parliament'' after the UK Government's decision to press ahead with key Brexit legislation without its consent.

The Scottish Government has brought a debate to the chamber on defending Holyrood's powers following the failure to take into account the parliament's view on the EU Withdrawal Bill.

MPs approved parts of the legislation related to devolution after less than 20 minutes of debate, despite the Scottish Parliament voting against granting it formal consent.

Scotland's Brexit Minister Mike Russell said a new approach was needed to prevent Holyrood votes being ignored or overruled.

He has previously said he could not currently envisage circumstances under which MSPs would vote to give approval for any further legislation related to leaving the EU, such as on trade, agriculture and fisheries.

Speaking before the debate, he said: The UK Government's position of ignoring or over-riding the views of the Scottish Parliament has been a consistent pattern since the EU referendum two years ago. This can't go on.

"They have ignored votes on protecting Scotland's relationship with the EU; triggering Article 50, retaining our place in the single market and customs union and have now passed legislation on devolved matters for the first time without the consent of the Scottish Parliament.

"I believe we need to revisit the issue of a proper statutory footing for the Sewel Convention, as recommended by the cross-party Smith Commission after the independence referendum.

"Today we are holding a debate without a motion and vote because, in stark contrast to Westminster, I want to hear from all parties on how we can protect the Scottish Parliament and ensure the views of the people of Scotland are respected, and not ignored in the Brexit process as they have been up until now.'