MSPs seek views on opt-out organ donation

A Holyrood committee is seeking views on plans to introduce an opt-out system of organ donation in Scotland.

A Holyrood committee is seeking views on plans to introduce an opt-out system of organ donation in Scotland.

The Health and Sport Committee is urging all those with an interest to contribute to its scrutiny of the Human Tissue (Authorisation) (Scotland) Bill.

The change would mean people would be assumed to have consented to their organs being used to help others unless they had signed an opt-out, potentially increasing the number of organ transplants that can take place in Scotland each year.

The proposed new system also includes protection for adults without capacity to understand, adults residing in Scotland for less than 12 months and children under 16, who will only be able to donate if they, or someone on their behalf, explicitly authorises it.

The Scottish Government announced plans for the new “soft opt-out'' system last year after a public consultation revealed 82% backing for the change.

Committee convener Lewis Macdonald MSP said: “There is no doubt that increasing the number of organ donations and having fewer people dying whilst waiting for a transplant is something we all want to see happen.

“However, this is a complex and difficult issue and there has been much debate and discussion about the most appropriate system for organ donation in Scotland and indeed the rest of the world.

“As this proposed legislation will significantly change the system for organ donation we want to hear from as many people as possible from across Scotland to help inform the committee's scrutiny of this important issue.''

As well as seeking the views of organisations and individuals with an interest in organ donation, the committee has launched an online survey to gather views from members of the public.

The survey and formal call for evidence will both close on September 4

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