MSPs to hear about trade union reform plans

A Holyrood committee is to hear about the impact that controversial UK Government trade union reforms could have in Scotland.

Published 7th Jan 2016

A Holyrood committee is to hear about the impact that controversial UK Government trade union reforms could have in Scotland.

The Scottish Parliament Devolution Committee is to publish a report on the possible effect of the Trade Union Bill, ahead of a debate by MSPs as a whole before the end of this month.

The Scottish Government has already argued the Bill, which restricts the time employees can spend on union business and forbids the deduction of dues by direct debit, would impact on employee relations in its devolved agencies.

Leading figures from NHS Scotland, the Scottish Trades Union Congress and the local government body Cosla will give evidence to the committee this morning about the impact it could have on industrial relations.

Committee convener Bruce Crawford said: The UK Trades Union Bill raises serious concerns for many members of this committee. Given the Bill is already progressing through Westminster, we urgently want to hear, on the record, what impact this legislation will have in Scotland, if it's enacted in its current form.

We particularly want to examine its potential impact on Scottish public sector workers and their employers.''

After the committee meeting MSPs will quickly produce a report that can be debated by the full Parliament, before the month is out'', Mr Crawford said.

That way Holyrood can make clear its considered view to the UK Government before the Bill makes any further significant process through the UK Parliament.''

Holyrood Presiding Officer Tricia Marwick has previously rejected an attempt by the Scottish Government to use a Legislative Consent Motion (LCM) to prevent the reforms from being introduced north of the the border.