Motherwell couple banned from owning animals

The pair pleaded guilty to causing the cocker spaniel, unnecessary suffering

Published 9th Jun 2017
Last updated 9th Jun 2017

A Motherwell man and woman have been given a £300 fine and a 15 year ban on keeping all animals following a Scottish SPCA investigation.

Clare and James Carlin, 41 and 42, of Keir Hardie Avenue were sentenced at Hamilton Sheriff Court on Friday 26 May.

Both James and Clare Carlin pleaded guilty to causing Paddy, the cocker spaniel, unnecessary suffering through failing to provide the necessary veterinary treatment for a chronic ear infection, severe dental disease and matted coat which led to complications in his health.

Commenting on the investigation and court case, Scottish SPCA Inspector Heather Lawson said, “We were alerted to Paddy after he was handed into a veterinary clinic by a member of the public.

“Paddy was very lean and had a badly matted coat with an over powering smell coming from the dripping pus on his head and ears. The pus had also dripped down his neck and chest causing severe matting.

“He was then examined by a vet and we were advised that the poor guy was suffering from chronically inflamed ears with ulcerated patches in the flaps and into the vertical canals. He was also suffering from severe dental disease with his teeth covered in thick tartar with badly inflamed gums. Paddy was in thin bodily condition with a badly matted coat.

“Unfortunately the vet made the decision to put him to sleep due to the severity of his conditions.

“We are pleased that Clare and James Carlin have been dealt with by the courts and hope they will give serious consideration to their ability to care for animals in the future.”