Mother Charged With Son's Murder

Published 10th Dec 2014

The mother of schoolboy Scott Chirashi has been charged with murder and ordered to be detained under mental health legislation, it was revealed. A petition hearing against Farai Chirashi, 32, was heard in her absence, at Alloa Sheriff Court. Chirashi, of Carnaughton Place, Alva, originally from Zimbabwe, was legally represented but not personally present at a brief private hearing. She was charged on petition with assault and murder. She made neither plea nor declaration, and was committed for further examination. The court also made an assessment order under Section 52D of the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003. Section 52D orders, which can only be made by the court on the evidence of a doctor, allow for a person to be detained in hospital for up to 28 days to enable assessment by an appointed medical practitioner and for treatment for any mental disorder, if required. Under the Act, the appointed doctor must report back to the court on the accused's mental condition within 28 days of the order being made so the court can decide how best to proceed. Five-year year old Scott, who was described on Sunday by his pastor David Fraser as a "friend of God", was found dead at his home in Alva, Clackmannanshire on Friday morning. Police described Scott as having "significant injury" to his body. The family had lived in Alva for several years.