Alcohol minimum pricing impact on homeless people to be analysed

Scientists at Glasgow Caledonian University will lead the study.

Published 23rd Sep 2019

Glasgow Caledonian University is to lead a study looking at the impact of alcohol minimum pricing in Scotland on homeless people.

Researchers will explore how the legislation has affected homeless drinkers since coming into force last May.

Scientists at Glasgow Caledonian University will lead the study and work with colleagues at the University of Stirling, Edinburgh's Heriot-Watt University and the University of Victoria in Canada.

It will also be supported by experts from NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) and The Homeless Network.

Professor Carol Emslie said: "Scotland is the first country in the world to implement alcohol minimum unit pricing.

"We need to explore the potential benefits of this policy for homeless people but we also need to understand any potential negative consequences.

"We do not know how vulnerable groups such as people experiencing homeless have adapted to the higher price of alcohol such as vodka and strong white cider.

"Our study will inform decisions about minimum unit pricing in Scotland and provide guidance for other countries planning to introduce the policy."

The findings of what will be the first study of its kind will help to inform the Scottish Parliament's consideration of the policy's impacts.

Professor Lawrie Elliott, co-leading the project with Prof Emslie, added: "You might think MUP would affect homeless people and street drinkers the most, given they represent the poorest groups in society and tend to consume cheap alcohol.

"However, we don't know this, nor do we know about any unintended consequences of the legislation for example switching to illicit alcohol or drugs.

"We are extremely pleased to be working with our partners The Homeless Network and grateful for the funding provided by the Chief Scientist Office."