Milngavie man admits torturing pregnant girlfriend

Scott Roger turned on the woman at her flat in Milngavie, East Dunbartonshire in March this year.

Published 26th Aug 2019
Last updated 26th Aug 2019

A man has admitted torturing his pregnant partner – stating to her: “You will die when I am ready”.

Scott Roger turned on the woman at her flat in Milngavie, East Dunbartonshire in March this year.

The attack – which may have lasted up to eight hours – included Roger threatening to “kick” and “cut” the victim's baby from her.

The 29 year-old left her battered and beaten while blaming her for turning him into “a beast”.

The 22 year-old woman went to police after Roger finally left her alone.

Her baby survived the ordeal.

Roger is now behind bars after he pleaded guilty to assaulting his partner to her injury.

The woman was at the High Court in Glasgow with her family to see Roger in the dock.

As the thug was lead handcuffed to the cells, he turned and said to the woman: “Sorry”.

The pair started dating earlier this year after the woman split from the father of her child.

The court heard they had long known each other.

But, Roger had often been envious of her previous boyfriends.

On March 10, Roger turned up at her flat in Milngavie, East Dunbartonshire around 11pm.

He quickly became “aggressive” and demanded to know how many people she had slept with.

Prosecutor Bill McVicar: “The assault was motivated by jealousy. He suspected she had been with someone else over the weekend.

“The assault lasted hours.”

He brandished a lock-back knife and wanted to check her phone.

One message from a male friend then made Roger “go mad”.

Mr McVicar: “An attack then started which basically went on continuously and without a break over the next few hours.

“During it, she thought she was going to die. At one point, she even said to him that if he was going to kill her, it would be better if he got it over with.

“She describes it as if being tortured.”

Roger cut himself while punching the victim – and then stated: “Look what you've done.”

As the woman cowered in tears, he hurled a set of drawers and then demanded she tidy up.

He went on to choke her, cover her in fake tan and chillingly moved a blade up and down her cheek.

Mr McVicar: “She asked him what she had done to deserve the treatment.

“He told she had treated him 'like a mug'.”

The woman feared she was losing her baby – Roger then stated he would “kick it out of her”.

Roger booted her on the stomach and stamped on her hand.

Mr McVicar: “He accepted that he was going to jail, but that it would be worth it.”

The court heard Roger further erupted when he found out another male friend had bought the woman a jumper.

He slashed it with a knife leaving her naked from the waist up.

Mr McVicar: “He told her she would die when he was ready.”

The victim's eye began to “swell up like a golf ball” - but he carried on this time threatening to “cut” the baby from the woman.

He also put a lit cigarette against her chest and whacked her on the bottom.

Sinister Roger then demanded the woman kiss him despite what happened.

The woman tried to escape, but Roger caught up and pinned her to the bed.

Mr McVicar: “He kept blaming her for his behaviour – it was her fault and that she had turned him into a beast when he was not one.”

He claimed if her father came round, he would stab him and her.

Roger also added if police were called he would “spend every day of his sentence planning what he would do to her”.

He also appeared jealous of another man the woman knew.

The victim was too scared to call for help, but Roger eventually left around 7am.

He then texted her: “What are we going to do? I loved you so much and now look what I have done. X”

The victim's dad later called and knew his daughter was upset.

When he turned up at her flat, she was described as “beaten up” and “traumatised”.

The pair went to police to report it.

Roger was not initially caught, but eventually handed himself into police.

The woman suffered “extensive bruising” across her face, body and legs.

A scan confirmed she was still pregnant.

Roger, of Milngavie, was remanded in custody.

Lord Beckett adjourned sentencing until next month for reports.