Milngavie fire murder victim named

Cameron Logan was 23. His girlfriend remains critically ill.

Published 2nd Jan 2017

Police have named the man murdered in a New Year's Day fire attack on a house in Milngavie as 23 year old Cameron Logan.

His body was discovered following the blaze his family home in Achray Place which has left his girlfriend in a critical condition in hospital.

Cameron's parents were taken to hospital for treatment for breathing in smoke but have since been released.

A post mortem will take place in due course to establish the exact cause of his death which at this time police are treating as murder and three attempted murders. A report will be submitted to the Procurator Fiscal.

Detective Chief Inspector Bob Frew, Major Investigation Teams, Govan Police Office, said:

“Cameron had been out with his girlfriend celebrating Hogmanay and both had returned to his home in the early hours of the morning.

"Later that morning, a fire was set deliberately at the house. Cameron died at the scene. His parents, both 54 years of age, have since been released from hospital, however, his 24 year old girlfriend remains in hospital where medical staff describe her condition as critical.

“The family pet dog (no breed) also died at the scene.

“Officers are still at the house carrying out enquiries and are also in the area speaking to neighbours and checking CCTV.

“Although it was early on New Year’s morning, it’s possible that people were about, maybe walking their dogs or out jogging in or near the area. I would appeal to them or indeed anyone who was near Achray Place, who saw activity at the house prior to or after the fire to contact police.

“Information can be passed to the Major Investigation Team based at Govan Police Office via 101 or alternatively, contact CRIMESTOPPERS on 0800 555 111 where information can be given in confidence.”