Milngavie couple return from holiday to find jewellery stolen

Published 14th Dec 2017

A couple have been left devastated after more than £100,000 of jewellery and family heirlooms were stolen while they were on holiday.

Police believe the robbery in Dunellan Road, Milngavie, between December 9 and 13 is linked to a spate of thefts around Glasgow targeting Asian gold.

The couple, who are in their 70s, were on holiday visiting family when a six-figure sum of jewellery, precious family heirlooms and bespoke pieces were stolen.

Last month, officers said there had been more than 40 such incidents this year with more than £600,000 worth of cash and jewellery stolen.

Asian jewellery is said to be particularly valuable because the gold is expensive.

Constable Kieran Bradshaw said: `The housebreaking and the theft has been devastating for the couple who are in their 70s.

`They had been away on holiday visiting family and came back to find the house had been ransacked and the jewellery, which had been in their family for generations, stolen.

`Dunellan Road, Milngavie, is a cul-de-sac and there would be no reason for a vehicle to be in the area unless it belonged to a family or friend or maybe a delivery, so I would appeal to householders there to see if they remember a vehicle being there or coming in and out either prior to the housebreaking, maybe in the days prior, or at the house between the 9th and the 13th December, that seemed out of place or suspicious.

`There have been a number of similar crimes at homes throughout the Glasgow area, for which are following a number of lines of enquiry, and we believe this break-in is linked to those.

`However, we would appeal to anyone who has information that will assist officers with their investigations to contact the Community Investigations Unit at Govan Police Station via 101. Please quote reference number 3793/13/12/17 when calling.

`Details can also be given in confidence to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.'