Maryhill woman leapt from flat window to escape abusive partner

A Maryhill woman leapt 40-feet from a window to escape the thug lover who put her through months of hell.

Published 8th Oct 2018

A Maryhill woman leapt 40-feet from a window to escape the thug lover who put her through months of hell.

David Smith battered, raped and humiliated his victim during a three-month campaign of abuse.

The 29 year-old mum finally escaped his clutches in February this year.

But, she was forced to take drastic action after Smith tried to kill her when a man had apparently smiled at the woman.

She believed the only way to flee was to jump out of a fourth floor window of their flat in Glasgow's Maryhill.

She ended up suffering horror injuries – but recovered enough to bravely testify against Smith and bring him to justice.

He is now behind bars after being convicted of 14 charges at the High Court in Glasgow including rape and attempted murder.

This included jurors also finding Smith guilty of abusing a second traumatised partner.

Smith faces a lengthy jail-term when he sentenced later this month.

The trial heard Smith had been in a short relationship with the lover he tried to kill.

Prosecutor Mark McGuire told jurors: “She quickly discovered he had a dark side.”

He called her a “slut”, took control of her Facebook account – and even accused of her of being unfaithful.

The attacks saw Smith be “sexually violent” and repeatedly rape the woman.

This included strapping her to a weights bench with cable ties.

Mr McGuire added: “She stayed with him because she was scared of what he would do.”

The abuse reached a head on February 1 after the pair had been at a library in the city's west end.

Smith flew into a rage when he believed a stranger there had smiled at the woman.

She told the trial: “He called me a 'c” and a “s*'. He accused me of cheating.

“He also threatened to kidnap my daughter.”

Smith choked his lover back at their flat then held a pair of hedge cutters at her head.

He yelled: “I'll kill you, b****.”

The distressed woman managed to barricade herself in the toilet.

But, Mr McGuire said “like Jack Nicholson in The Shining”

Smith then plunged a blade through the closed door narrowly missing the woman.

He added: “She thought he was really going to kill her.”

The petrified victim was left with no option and took “the only escape” she felt possible.

She raced to a window of their fourth floor flat – and decided to jump.

Mr McGuire: “She let go knowing there was a huge drop onto the concrete.

“Why do that? She was scared of her partner. The man who was meant to love and care for her.

“She was scared he was going to kill her. That is what she said as her broken body lay on the pavement.”

The court heard as the woman was writhing in agony, her abuser rushed up stating: “I love you.”

She suffered six broken ribs, two collapsed lungs, a fractured skull, a severe leg injury as well as a shattered breast bone.

The woman was still able to tell police of her ordeal – before a probe revealed he had abused another victim.

He preyed on this woman after they started dating in 2010. The crimes occurred in the city's Maryhill and Govanhill.

Smith once told her: “The only way you will leave me is on a slab.”

He also raped this partner and told her: “I bet you enjoyed that.”

The victim told how she felt “dirty” and “wanted to die”.

Smith even raped her on Valentine's Day. The court heard this was the same day he tried to “romance her” with strawberries and melted chocolate.

He pounced on her again on Boxing Day 2014.

This was after she went for him when he made a “deeply offensive” jibe about his earlier child sex conviction.

He was previously found guilty in England of indecently assaulting a five year old child.

Smith denied sexually assaulting the women in this case.

He claimed the victim who leapt from the window wanted to be “raped” as part of some warped fantasy.

But, prosecutor Mr McGuire described that as “ridiculous, offensive and misogynistic”.

Smith was also found guilty of repeatedly assaulting and raping the second woman.

Lord Kinclaven remanded Smith in custody as sentencing was deferred for reports.