Shopkeeper attacked and robbed in Maryhill

The 62-year-old victim sustained a head injury

Author: Colin StonePublished 21st Mar 2018

A shopkeeper has been attacked and robbed by two hooded men in Maryhill.

Around 5.25am on Tuesday 20 March, the pair entered George’s Wee Dairy on Clarendon Street and attacked the shopkeeper.

The men attempted to steal the till, but were unsuccessful. They then stole a quantity of cigarettes and other store items.

The 62-year-old victim sustained a head injury in the attack and was taken to Glasgow Royal Infirmary. He has since been released.

The first suspect is white, around 5’ 8 to 5’ 10 in height, with a medium build. He was wearing a dark green hooded top, with the hood up and a red top underneath. He was wearing a padded style jacket, coloured dark green at the top and light green at the bottom,

The second suspect is white, around 5’8 to 5’10 in height with a slim build. He was wearing a black hooded top with the hood up.

Both suspects are described as being in their late teens.

Officers have been carrying out door-to-door enquiries in the area and are gathering CCTV footage for review.

Detective Constable Laura Gillen said: “We know from our enquiries that there were people in the area around the time of the incident, perhaps heading to work or out walking their dogs, there were also delivery drivers in the area.

“I am appealing to anyone who was in the area yesterday morning to contact us as they may have information which could assist our enquiries.

“Perhaps you noticed the two suspects hanging about outside the shop and thought nothing of it at the time but in light of the robbery, your information could prove significant and help us identify the two men responsible for this crime.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact officers at the Robbery Unit at Helen Street Police Station via 101, quoting ref number 0336 of Tuesday 20 March 2018.

Alternatively, anyone with information can call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 where information can be given anonymously.