Police chief appeals for calm at weekend marches in Glasgow

One of Scotland's top police officers has urged marchers and protesters in Glasgow this weekend to act peacefully following last week's riot.

Published 6th Sep 2019
Last updated 6th Sep 2019

One of Scotland's top police officers has urged marchers and protesters in Glasgow this weekend to act peacefully following last week's riot.

Two Irish republican marches are taking place in the city on Saturday after the city council announced on Thursday it would not to revoke permission.

Riot police, mounted officers, a force helicopter and dog units were used to quell “significant disorder'' in Govan on Friday August 30 after “disruptive'' counter-protesters met a planned Irish Unity march.

Assistant Chief Constable Bernard Higgins said “significant'' numbers of police, including specialised officers, will be deployed across the city on Saturday afternoon.

A Cairde Na Heireann (Calton Republicans) march expected to attract 100 participants will start at 2pm on Saturday in Millroad Street, Calton, and end in Clyde Street in the city centre.

Meanwhile, 300 people are expected to take part in the Friends of Irish Republican Prisoners Welfare Association (IRPWA) parade, which will start at 3pm in Blythswood Square and end at Barrowlands Park in the Gallowgate.

Mr Higgins said: “Extensive planning has taken place all this week and a comprehensive policing operation will be place for before, during and after the public processions planned for Glasgow city centre on Saturday September 7 2019.

“Without going into specific numbers, I can confirm that we will have a significant deployment of conventional and specialist resources across the city.

“Police Scotland has to balance the right of people who wish to take part in the processions, under the conditions agreed by Glasgow City Council, and those who wish to protest peacefully and lawfully.

“I am appealing that those taking part should do so in a peaceful and lawful manner, which will allow us to facilitate the rights of all in terms of freedom of expression.

“I want to re-emphasise that anyone intent on becoming involved in any kind of antisocial or criminal behaviour will be dealt with promptly.''

Previously, Police Scotland said if the two processions were banned this weekend they believed disorder could still take place and the officer requirement would be similar to that needed to police the marches.

Glasgow City Council chief executive Annemarie O'Donnell earlier said the decision not to revoke permission was taken as the local authority's options are limited by the legal right to march and protest.

She warned the decisions could change if the situation alters.

Ms O'Donnell said: “Ultimately the responsibility for ensuring that Saturday's marches are safe lies with the organisers and the protesters.

“They must commit themselves to behave in a way which will not further stretch the patience of their fellow Glaswegians."