Man who abused four school girls jailed

The attacks took place between 2014 and 2017 when Callum Sneddon was babysitting the girls at addresses in Stenhousemuir and Falkirk

Published 11th May 2018

A man who admitted raping three schoolgirls has been jailed for 10 years.

Callum Sneddon, 30, was also ordered to be monitored in the community for three years after his release from jail.

The High Court in Glasgow heard that his young victims were aged seven, eight and 14 when Sneddon raped them.

He also admitted sexually abusing a fourth girl when she was aged 10.

The abuse took place on occasions between 2014 and 2017 when Sneddon was babysitting the girls at addresses in Stenhousemuir and Falkirk.

The 14-year-old said that she and Sneddon were watching television when he grabbed her and removed her underwear and trousers and raped her.

When she protested he told her he was doing nothing wrong.

The court was told that Sneddon made videos of two of his rape victims – the seven-year-old and the eight-year-old – dancing and made them flash their private parts at him.

The seven-year-old girl speaking of the sexual abuse and rape said: “I would tell him to stop it and kept wriggling in an attempt to get him to stop, but he did not.”

Sneddon was finally brought to justice after one of his young victims became upset and told her mother what had happened.

At his police interview Sneddon denied any sexual contact with his victims and said he could think of no reason why the four girls would claim he had sexually assaulted him.

The police interview finished when Sneddon broke down and cried.

In court, Sneddon admitted raping the three girls and sexually abusing a fourth.